“@BayAreaIntifada: #WCCT appealed to Turkic peoples and Muslims living in Russia
The World… https://t.co/PFZORTcAbd

We’re headed to the Big Apple! Join us on Thursday, March 1st at White Collar Crime Tech Conference and hear our Di… https://t.co/K9cDxUn4hj

For a good laugh come see our show #LiveTheatre #WCCT #EveryChristmasStoryEverToldAndThenSome https://t.co/5YDxeMI0IF

#WCCT #Hartford Please report on this, the public needs to be aware! https://t.co/NksT2j1ojo

@seagyn @wordcampjoburg @travislima It was really really close to the #WCCT events, well done! Best #WCJHB and best… https://t.co/P9h7ho50Ve

@robhope @OnePageLove Great post. FYI I’ve been thinking about you since our chat at #WCCT. Would love to help you… https://t.co/Q2IUmoHA8N

Need continuous deployment for your premium #WordPress plugins & themes? https://t.co/sVS1PMsOip #WCCT #wordcampsg #wcphx #wcmcr #wcphilly

How WordPress taught me to be an Engineer. @dwainm starts his talk with some audience participation #breakpoint #wcct

Introducing Kernl WordPress license management https://t.co/uftjuJCRzd #WCCT #wordcampsg #wcphx #wcmcr #wcphilly

Proud Sponsor of #WCCT! 2 Days to go! @WPCapeTown @Nicholas_Duncan @thebossybabe @jarrydlong @DylanAuty @veroniqs19 @dylanjkotze

#WCCT is around the corner. Looking forward to meeting some interesting people. Who’s all going?

I’m co-presenting a workshop with @jobtex at #WCCT later this week. Here’s what you’ll need: https://t.co/WxvCu9cUNH

Almost time for #WCCT! Excited to see you there! @Nicholas_Duncan @thebossybabe @jarrydlong @DylanAuty @veroniqs19 @dylanjkotze

Come see a fun show for a good cause. #WCCT will be there, so should you. https://t.co/lEuIvcRLhh

So #WCCT speakers have been listed and both @jasoncoleman and @jarrydlong are definitely speaking!… https://t.co/8xqxIwoy2X

#WCCT Global LLC Pharmaceuticals Healthcare Deals and Alliances Profile Report Updated 22082… Read more: https://t.co/exZej0y5Yd

Check out the preview of interview with Morgan Christophers Project Manager @ Wandsworth Community Chaplaincy Trust (WCCT) taken from upcoming documentary Unlocking Faith

It was so sweet to blend with these brothers and to gain more Christ together! #wcct #knowingseeinggaininggod #chu…… https://t.co/q8NQ2xC2kM

@tomwillmot That would be amazing. However, we’ll gladly accept regular ‘money’ sponsorships also #WordCampCapeTown #wcct

I worked it out that to attend #WCCT will cost around $470 incl. flights, car rental, Airbnb + ticket to event. Excl. entertainment.

Is a WordCamp Cape Town t-shirt important to you? Or aren’t you bothered much by it? We need your opinion: https://t.co/2bHc8uql8Y #wcct