Why you should let your employees attend WordCamp Cape Town 2019

As an employer, you may be tempted to think that attending a conference gives your employees some free downtime, but here are some reasons sending your employees to conferences can help your business, not hinder it. 

  • It’s Affordable: WordPress is a community-based event which makes tickets accessible and not exorbitantly priced. 
  • Upskill your Staff: Leading WordPress professionals speak at the event, which means that your staff and company will benefit from their knowledge. 
  • Networking Opportunities: Your employees represent your company, by attending a networking event they get your name into the tech sphere. 
  • Employee Performance Improvement: Give your employees the opportunity to learn actionable steps that can be implemented into your business and improve their job roles.  
  • Become an Industry Thought Leader: Particularly in tech, trends are continuously changing as technology evolves, staying on top of these industry trends could mean you lead the pack or fall behind. 
  • Improve Employee Retention: Investing in your employees leads to more workplace and job role satisfaction as it renews motivation. If you invest in them, they will invest it back into your business. 
  • Knowledge Sharing: You can send one employee to a conference and get them to present what they learnt when they come back to the office. 

Send your employees to WordCamp Cape Town 2019 and reap the rewards!